Interagency Cooperation for Effective Border Management in Tajikistan


On 18-21 DEC 2018, Motive International's SME on Border Management Robert Colbert participated in a CENTCOM requested "Exploratory Workshop on Best Practices in Interagency Cooperation for Effective Border Management" in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The purpose of this workshop was to gain insights into the Tajik Border Security capabilities by engaging members of the Tajik MoD and MoI involved in the Border Security mission, as well as representatives of the Border Guards, in a strategic listening opportunity prior to a CENTCOM led scoping visit on capacity building with the intent to provide training and equipment to the National Security forces of Tajikistan authorized under U.S. Code Title 10 § 333.

During this engagement, information describing key elements of an effective border management policy was presented as well as case studies that demonstrated key elements of an effective border security management policy.  Dialogue sessions were conducted to learn about Tajikistan's existing border management policies and procedures, with a focus on how Tajik MoD and border forces coordinate their Border Security functions. As a result of this workshop, CENTCOM has requested that the Institute for Security Governance (ISG) continue interacting with Tajikistan's border agencies by conducting quarterly engagements. The next scheduled engagement with Motive International SME participation is a Tajikistan Border Security Workshop with office calls to the major border security entities scheduled for December 16-20, 2019.