Relevant, Relatable, Durable: A Winning Formula for the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Latin America and Beyond

In September 2022, the U.S. government’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) hosted the week-long Panama Workshop at which Motive’s Ana Velsco served as an expert WPS facilitator. Designed to advance shared U.S.-Panama WPS goals, event participants included more than two dozen uniformed and civilian, male and female officials from different branches of Panama’s security agencies. Co-facilitators included officials from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and academia.

Instead of informing Panamanian officials about the goals or principles of UNSCR 1325, co-facilitators sought to explore complex themes of gender and security through various framing questions. Why should a patrol officer guarding the Darien Gap think about gender? What use does a UN framework have for a police officer in the city of Colon? Is the WPS agenda -- often couched in the context of inter-state war -- even relevant for Latin America? As opposed to lecture-based approaches that can reduce gender and security to mere abstractions, the ensuing dialogue made WPS relevant, relatable, and durable.